

We offer 18 services available for any solution of our 3 tech* fields: software, hardware, and networking.


For releasing systems management, real-time configuration, upgrading, and updating IT platforms to meet users' needs without exceeding a set budget and period


For implementing an information systems review approach focusing on risk management to decide if IT assets are safe, managed, and useful


For building mechanisms to automate business processes and frameworks using technology (hardware, software, or networking)


For capturing and storing a specific state (fully) of a data storage system


For capturing the state of a system's infrastructure, including files, integration interfaces, and networks (but excluding data)


For tuning the data storage systems of third-party software relevant to support business processes


For aligning the IT strategy with the business strategy while assuring investors and shareholders a ‘standard of due care’


For reaching the deployment of a software, hardware, or networking solutions meeting the best available IT infrastructure specifications at functional and non-functional levels


For leveraging all those stored logs from any IT asset


For diagramming a technology infrastructure using industry standards


For giving a real 24/7 availability with on-site and off-site members for supporting and keeping the best state of your IT infrastructure


For implementing software, hardware, or networking solutions to meet specific business needs


For deploying mechanisms to recover the state of an IT asset (software, hardware, or networking units) or data from any kind of engine


For implementing, renewing, enhancing, or tuning security layers for an existing IT or technology asset


For deploying mechanisms to calculate any aspect or dimension of an IT asset (software, hardware, or networking units)


For assuring quality on any running, on-implementation, or on-design IT asset to reveal issues representing vulnerabilities, errors, or bugs


For solving, with real-time tasks, any issue during the running stage of your IT assets


For deploying mechanisms and tools for tuning a specific IT asset or full technology integrated infrastructure


Nowadays, we can apply any of our services to 3941 solutions from diverse third-parties.


There is a full set of workshops organized at 8 levels for you: Apprentice, Associate, Professional, Master, Specialist, Expert, Innovator, Titan.


Ask for our premium services and products based on Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Ethical Hacking, and Big Data. Each one, available to be tuned for any client, at any industry, at any market. Next, we present you 3 of our most requested assets.

Spatial big data cloud infrastructure

“phi” is our first software industry service project. Integrates modules to establish a cloud infrastructure to store high volumes of data ensuring high performance transactions over them using raster, vector, and graph data storage structures.

AI-based deterrent drones

“theta” is our first security industry service project. Integrates software, hardware, electronics, & networking modules to build intelligent and sturdy-shell drones to solve high performance security tasks at indoor and outdoor spaces.

Exa electric energy generator

“mu” is our first energy industry service project. Integrates aerospace, electronics, software, and nanotechnology structures to generate electric energy through extreme environmental components stimulation.